Flagbase Core Daemon is a primary process for managing Flagbase Core. This user-friendly guide will provide an overview of various commands and their options to effectively manage and operate the daemon.
Getting Started
To start using the Flagbase Core Daemon, enter the following command:
flagbased [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Global Options
--help, -h
: Show help (default: false)
Worker Management
The worker command is used to manage Flagbase workers, such as API, GraphQL, Streamer, and Poller.
flagbased worker [arguments...]
Starting a Worker
To start a specific worker or all workers, use the start command:
flagbased worker start [command options] [arguments...]
--mode value
: Type of worker to run (i.e., all (default), api, streamer, polling) (default: "all")--host value
: Server host address (default: "")--api-port value
: API port number (default: 5051)--streamer-port value
: Streamer port number (default: 7051)--poller-port value
: Poller port number (default: 9051)--pg-url value
: Postgres Connection URL (default: "postgres://flagbase:BjrvWmjQ3dykPu@db:5432/flagbase?sslmode=disable")--redis-addr value
: Redis address (host:port) (default: "redis:6379")--redis-pw value
: Redis password--redis-db value
: Redis database (default: 0) (default: 0)--verbose, -v
: Enable logging to stdout (default: false)--help, -h
: Show help (default: false)
Resource Management
The manage command is used to manage Flagbase resources, such as access
and migrations
flagbased manage command [command options] [arguments...]
Access Resources
Manage access resources using the access command:
flagbased manage access command [command options] [arguments...]
Creating Access Resources
To create access resources, use the create command:
flagbased manage access create [command options] [arguments...]
--key value
: Access key (default: "root")--secret value
: Access secret [this should never be exposed] (default: "toor")--type value
: Access type [root > admin > user > service] (default: "root")--pg-url value
: Postgres Connection URL (default: "postgres://flagbase:BjrvWmjQ3dykPu@db:5432/flagbase?sslmode=disable")--redis-addr value
: Redis address (host:port) (default: "redis:6379")--redis-pw value
: Redis password--redis-db value
: Redis database