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4 posts tagged with "practices"

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· 5 min read
Chris Joy

In traditional software development, new features and updates are released to all users simultaneously. This approach has some limitations, such as the risk of introducing bugs and errors that can negatively affect users' experiences. Additionally, it can be challenging to test and optimize new features before releasing them to everyone.

Feature flags provide a solution to these problems by allowing developers to release new features to specific groups of users or enable them on a gradual basis. This approach enables developers to test and optimize features before releasing them to everyone, reducing the risk of introducing bugs and ensuring a smoother rollout.

· 3 min read
Chris Joy

As software developers, we all want to deliver high-quality software that meets our users' needs. But how do we ensure that we're meeting those needs while also maintaining control over the development process? One powerful technique that has emerged in recent years is the use of feature flags, also known as feature toggles or feature switches.

Feature flags allow developers to turn certain features on or off without deploying new code. This gives developers greater control over the release of new features, and allows them to make more informed decisions based on real user data. Here are six common use cases for feature flags:

· 4 min read
Chris Joy

Feature flags are a powerful tool for releasing new features to your users gradually and with greater control. By using feature flags, you can easily turn features on or off for specific groups of users, test new features in production, and roll back features if necessary. In this article, we will explore some best practices for using feature flags to release features.

· 4 min read
Chris Joy

Feature flags are a powerful tool that can be used in data science and developing machine learning models. They allow developers to enable or disable specific features in an application or model, without having to redeploy or modify the codebase. This can be extremely useful when working with large, complex models that require frequent updates, or when testing new features in production environments. In this article, we'll examine how feature flags can be used in data science and developing machine learning models, and the benefits they provide.